Final Project
Overview | Step 01 | Step 02 | Step 03 | Step 04 | Step 05 | Step 06
Final Project :: Step Six
Finalize your site design, content and HTML, then create a finished, complete version of your Portfolio Web site.
This is the last step of the Final Project and is worth 150 points.
Assignment :: For Step Six, due at the beginning of class on March 24th, complete your Portfolio site by creating HTML pages as specified by your site map. Refine your page designs in Photoshop, slice and bring over to Dreamweaver, add site content, create links between pages, and test in a web browser.
Requirements ::
The Final Project requires at a minimum HTML versions of the following
- Six high-quality work samples
- Your resume in HTML
- Your contact information
Web sites should meet the criteria listed above, demonstrate thoughtfulness
in image optimization, web typography and linking, and show precision in image slicing and in
Dreamweaver layout. Final site should look reasonably similar
to the original Photoshop designs. Web site should display without significant
visual and technical errors, including links and rollovers, when viewed in a web browser.
All file names should be properly named for use on the web. The local root folder of your site containing all HTML and image files should be saved to the Data drive at the beginning of class. (150 points)
