Good Stuff
Last Updated
Promotional Brochure Project
Assignment ::
Using the skills and techniques learned in class, create in QuarkXPress a two-page brochure promoting the subject of your CD Artwork project.
Specifications ::
Use the following specs when creating your brochure:
- Document size: 8.5" wide by 11" tall (Letter size)
- Document margins: .5" from the edge of the paper on each side
- Number of pages: 2
- File Format: QuarkXPress (.qxd)
Image Requirements ::
The brochure must contain the following visual components:
- Your Photoshop Poster Collage, saved from Photoshop as a TIFF image and scaled to no larger than 5 inches tall in QuarkXPress.
- The front cover only from your CD Artwork project, saved from Illustrator as an EPS file and scaled to no larger than 4 inches tall in QuarkXPress.
- Feel free to use additional artwork in the this project. The list above is what at a minimum the collage should contain. Do not feel limited to including only the required components.
Text Requirements ::
The brochure must contain the following text components:
- A headline promoting the contents of your brochure.
- Images must be accompanied with real, written captions that help describe the image.
- A complete track listing of the contents of the CD (the same listing as presented in the CD Artwork Project). This listing must be created using the text tools found in QuarkXPress.
- Lorem Ipsum text can be used as copy throughout the rest of your brochure:
- Text must be wrapped around at least one page item.
- At least one text flow link must be established between two text boxes.
- At least two Styles should be created and used: one for headlines and one for body text.
- Your name as a credit (this can be very small, if you want).
General Requirements ::
Brochure must be created in QuarkXPress using skills learned both in class and from the book. The design should meet the criteria listed above, and be thoughtful of layout, style, and coloration. The QuarkXPress document will also be graded on organization and technical correctness.
Dates and Deliverables ::
For the final day of class (Week 11), the completed brochure should be printed out at full size in color and shown in class. You will also need to turn in your final QuarkXPress file (named your_name.qxd).
Your brochure must be presented on the last day of class to receive credit for this project. (100 points)
