CD Jewel Case Artwork Project
Assignment ::
Using the skills and techniques learned in class, create in Illustrator artwork for the outward faces of a CD jewel case. The subject of your CD can be a music artist, group or compilation; real or fictitious.
Note that the subject you choose for this project will be used in the remaining two projects in this class.
Resources :: Use the provided “real-world” Illustrator CD artwork template as the basis for your design. This document contains sizing guides, crop marks and other useful design aids.
Requirements :: Artwork must be created in Illustrator using skills learned in class and from the reading assignments. All vector artwork contained in the must be of your own creationdo not use Illustrator symbols or other “clip-art”. You may use raster artwork created outside of Illustrator (Photoshop imagery, photographs, etc.) only if they function to support native Illustrator elements and do not make up a significant percentage of your design.
The artwork must present the following information:
- The CD title on the sides of the back tray card (the sides that appear in a CD rack)
- List of all audio tracks contained on the CD
- Your name as a credit (this can be very small, if you want)
The design should meet the criteria listed above, and be thoughtful of layout, style and coloration. The Illustrator document will also be graded on organization, precision, and technical correctness.
Dates ::
At the beginning of Week 05, both a color print of your artwork on tabloid (11" x 17") paper and the original Illustrator file (named are due. You do not need to assemble a complete jewel case to hand in at Week 05.
For the final day of class (Week 11), the completed project should be printed out at full-size in color, trimmed and inserted into an actual CD jewel case, and shown in class. You will also need to turn in your final Illustrator file.
Both dates must be met to receive credit for this project. (100 points)
