GD 121
Art Institute of Portland
Winter 2004 • Three Credits Wednesdays 12:45 - 4:30 PM • Section C
Brewery Blocks, Room 203
Course Web site ::
Instructor :: Peter Hoelter
Contact Information
E-mail: AIPD Voice Mail: 503.228.6528 vm ext. #2534
Available only by appointment before or after class.
Course Description
This overview course in digital tools will introduce basic page layout, digital illustration, and image manipulation skills. Using various software applications, students will learn to do the following: compare and contrast vector graphics with raster graphics; scan images; retrace a template image, place images into a page layout program and create basic multiple page documents.
Computer Fundamentals
Applications Adobe Illustrator 10.0 • Adobe Photoshop 7.0 • QuarkXPress 6.0
Operating System Mac OS X 10.2.8
Course Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand tools and functions of Adobe Illustrator
- Use bézier curves
- Work with layers and templates
- Manipulate objects
- Understand tools and functions of Adobe Photoshop
- Scan and retouch photos
- Create images using Photoshop's tools
- Use palettes and layers
- Understand tools and functions of QuarkXpress
- Import text and graphics
- Use columns
- Work with style sheets
- Create Master Pages
Required Texts
Visual QuickStart Guide: Adobe Illustrator 10 for Windows or Macintosh
by Elaine Weinmann & Peter Lourekas. (Peachpit Press - Web Site)
Visual QuickStart Guide: Adobe Photoshop 7 for Windows or Macintosh
by Elaine Weinmann & Peter Lourekas. (Peachpit Press - Web Site)
Visual QuickStart Guide: QuarkXPress 6 for Windows or Macintosh
by Elaine Weinmann & Peter Lourekas. (Peachpit Press - Web Site)
These books are available on reserve at the Learning Resource Center.
Required Materials
Portable storage device (such as Iomega Zip discs, blank recordable or re-writable CDs, portable hard disc, etc.) to save and retain class work, notebook and pen; estimated $10 to $20 in color printing and material expenses.
Grading :: Points
Completion and Printout
of Individual Projects (3 at 100 points per project) |
300 points |
50% |
Lab Assignments (15 points per lab) |
105 points |
17% |
Professional Conduct (4 points per class) |
40 points |
7% |
Quizzes (2 at 30 points per quiz) |
60 points |
10% |
Final Exam |
95 points |
16% |
Grading :: Scale
A |
540 600 |
B |
480 539 |
C |
420 479 |
D |
360 419 |
F |
359 and lower |
Grading :: Criteria
A |
Student performs in an outstanding way. Student exhibits excellent achievement and craftsmanship in all work. Student exhibits commitment to expanding ideas, vocabulary and performance. |
B |
Student performs beyond the requirement of the assignments. Student exhibits above average progress and craftsmanship. Student exhibits above average interest in expanding ideas, vocabulary and performance. |
C |
Criteria of assignment is met, and all requirements are fulfilled. Student exhibits average progress and improvement. Student exhibits moderate interest in expanding ideas, vocabulary and performance. |
D |
Student performance is uneven, and requirements are partially fulfilled. Student exhibits minimal output and improvement in work. Student exhibits minimal interest in expanding ideas, vocabulary and performance. Student's attendance, participation and class involvement is less than adequate.
F |
Student fails to meet a minimum of performance levels. Student does not exhibit achievement, progress or adequate levels of craftsmanship in any assignment. Student work is consistently incomplete or unsuccessful. Student's attendance, participation and class involvement is inadequate. |
Late Work All assigned projects are due at the beginning of class on the specified due date. Late course work will be accepted only for partial credit. Project grades will be reduced by 20% (two letter grades) for each week the project is late. Points for missed labs can only be made up outside of class and only for partial credit. Projects and labs more than two weeks late will not be accepted. You will not be able to make up missed quizzes or the final exam. All projects must be presented and turned in on the final day of class to receive credit, even if the project had previously been handed in.
Attendance and Participation Class attendance is an important part of the course experience. Much of the course content is only available by attending class. You are responsible for obtaining any notes that you missed during an absence, either from a classmate or from the class Web site. Attendance will be noted at the beginning and end of each class. Participation in class discussions, in-class assignments and labs, and student professionalism are also factored into your classroom grade. If you must miss a class, please notify me prior to class so arrangements can be made.
Attendance is factored into your final grade, and you will not receive a passing grade with four or more absences.
Lab Policies No food or drink is allowed in the lab, though a shelf is provided at the front of the classroom to hold drink cups during your time in class. Cell phones must be turned off and pagers turned to silent mode during class.
Plagiarism (AI official policy statement)
Plagiarism, presenting the writings, images or paraphrased ideas of another as one's own, is strictly prohibited at the Art Institute of Portland. Properly documented excerpts from others' works, when they are limited to an appropriate amount of the total length of a student's paper, are permissible when used to support a researched argument.