Good Stuff
Last Updated
Week 11 Project Show
Assignment ::
For the final class period of the term you will be showing all of your projects from the term to both the instructor and your classmates. You will not need to formally present your project to the classwe're simply allowing your classmates to browse the work you've completed.
This is the final requirement for all projects created in this course, and you will not receive credit for a project if you do not present it on this date (100 points per project).
You will be able to take your projects home with you at the end of the class period.
Project Deliverables ::
- Your CD Artwork should be printed out at full-size in color, trimmed and inserted into an actual, standard-size CD jewel case.
- Your Poster Collage should be printed out at full size in color, trimmed, and mounted on black art board.
- Your Promotional Brochure should be printed out at full size in color on quality paper.
- You will also need to copy to the Data drive final versions of all of your original project files.
Dates ::
Projects and your original files must be presented and turned in at the beginning of class during Week 11 (March 24th, 2004). You will not have class time to work on these projects on this date.
Note that the time of our last class session has been changed to 12:45 PM to 2:35 PM.
