Home Page Required Content
The following information must be included on the home page for Portland Outdoor Recreation.
Featured Activities
River Rafting
June 17th, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM, 2004
Come experience the white water rapids of the Deschutes River in North-central Oregon. Navigate Boxcar Falls, soak up the sun and get your feet wet. Learn more...
Wilderness Backpacking
June 30th - July 5th, 2004
Take an exhilarating trip through Northeastern Oregon's Eagle Cap Wilderness. Ascend the peak of Eagle Cap, rising 9595 feet above sea-level, and view alpine meadows and mountain lakes. Learn more...
Rock Climbing for Beginners
July 8th, 2004
Interested in rock climbing? Join us at Oregon's premier climbing park, Smith Rock State Park, for an introduction to climbing. Learn more...
Note: The Learn more... will be links to the Activity page that includes the full description of that activity
Newsletter Promotion
This text can vary, but should read something like this:
"Read our Spring 2004 Newsletter."
